• Ne prestaju reakcije na porez na nekretnine

    "Dok se 90-ih branila domovina uz velike žrtve i pretrpljena razaranja Vlada HDZ-a je rasprodala tvornice, ponajviše tajkunima bliskima vlasti, i tako uništila stotine tisuća radnih mjesta. No kako nekima nikada nije dosta bogatiti se na tuđoj nevolji sada nam umjesto obećanog blagostanja žele oteti i naše domove, pa tako Vlada umjesto da smanji želi uvesti nove poreze što će mnoge građane prisilili na rasprodaju djedovine ili onoga u što su desetljećima ulagali kako bi teškom mukom zarađeno i ušteđeno zaštitili od inflacije.
    Sve ove godine Vladi nije palo na pamet oporezivati banke koje su ostvarivale nenormalno velike ekstraprofite koje su „zaradili“ namećući našim građanima često i dvostruko veće kamate no što su bile kamate za njihove domicilne klijente. Vladi nije ni na kraj pameti oporezovati imovinu za koju vlasnik, gotovo u pravilu blizak ili vezan uz političke strukture, nema pokrivenost u prihodima ili ne može dokazati da je legalno stečena. Opravdanja koja servira Vlada kako će uvođenje poreza na nekretnine rezultirati padom cijena stambenih prostora odnosno natjerati špekulante da spuste cijene nekretnina, stanova posebno, je toliko promašeno da bi se svaki ozbiljan ekonomski analitičar posramio izjaviti tako nešto javno.Porez na nekretnine u osnovi predstavlja dodatni financijski teret za građane, posebno za one koji su već u teškoj ekonomskoj situaciji poput umirovljenika, ali i radnika sa malim primanjima. U zemlji gdje sa mirovinama jedva preživljava više od 50% umirovljenika, a plaće zaposlenika niske, uvođenje dodatnog poreza na nekretnine koje mnogi Hrvati posjeduju, često kao imovinu u koju su cijeli život ulagali ili pak naslijedili, će samo dovesti do daljnjeg osiromašenja građana. Nekretnine su često naslijeđene od predaka i predstavljaju simbol sigurnosti i obiteljskog nasljeđa a ne bogatstva na koje bez ikakve logike Vlada želi natovariti porez. Uvođenjem poreza na nekretnine, mnogi ljudi će se naći u situaciji da moraju prodati svoju imovinu jer si neće moći priuštiti plaćanje poreza, što je nepravedno i socijalno neodgovorno.

    Ne prestaju reakcije na porez na nekretnine "Dok se 90-ih branila domovina uz velike žrtve i pretrpljena razaranja Vlada HDZ-a je rasprodala tvornice, ponajviše tajkunima bliskima vlasti, i tako uništila stotine tisuća radnih mjesta. No kako nekima nikada nije dosta bogatiti se na tuđoj nevolji sada nam umjesto obećanog blagostanja žele oteti i naše domove, pa tako Vlada umjesto da smanji želi uvesti nove poreze što će mnoge građane prisilili na rasprodaju djedovine ili onoga u što su desetljećima ulagali kako bi teškom mukom zarađeno i ušteđeno zaštitili od inflacije. Sve ove godine Vladi nije palo na pamet oporezivati banke koje su ostvarivale nenormalno velike ekstraprofite koje su „zaradili“ namećući našim građanima često i dvostruko veće kamate no što su bile kamate za njihove domicilne klijente. Vladi nije ni na kraj pameti oporezovati imovinu za koju vlasnik, gotovo u pravilu blizak ili vezan uz političke strukture, nema pokrivenost u prihodima ili ne može dokazati da je legalno stečena. Opravdanja koja servira Vlada kako će uvođenje poreza na nekretnine rezultirati padom cijena stambenih prostora odnosno natjerati špekulante da spuste cijene nekretnina, stanova posebno, je toliko promašeno da bi se svaki ozbiljan ekonomski analitičar posramio izjaviti tako nešto javno.Porez na nekretnine u osnovi predstavlja dodatni financijski teret za građane, posebno za one koji su već u teškoj ekonomskoj situaciji poput umirovljenika, ali i radnika sa malim primanjima. U zemlji gdje sa mirovinama jedva preživljava više od 50% umirovljenika, a plaće zaposlenika niske, uvođenje dodatnog poreza na nekretnine koje mnogi Hrvati posjeduju, često kao imovinu u koju su cijeli život ulagali ili pak naslijedili, će samo dovesti do daljnjeg osiromašenja građana. Nekretnine su često naslijeđene od predaka i predstavljaju simbol sigurnosti i obiteljskog nasljeđa a ne bogatstva na koje bez ikakve logike Vlada želi natovariti porez. Uvođenjem poreza na nekretnine, mnogi ljudi će se naći u situaciji da moraju prodati svoju imovinu jer si neće moći priuštiti plaćanje poreza, što je nepravedno i socijalno neodgovorno. https://n1info.hr/vijesti/ne-prestaju-reakcije-na-porez-na-nekretnine-sada-bi-otimali-i-nase-domove/
    Ne prestaju reakcije na porez na nekretnine: "Sada bi otimali i naše domove!"
    Još uvijek se ne stišavaju reakcije na uvođenje poreza na nekretnine, a ovim potezom nezadovoljni su i u Bloku Umirovljenici zajedno.
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  • In a small town where the sun dipped behind the hills as if reluctant to leave, lived two souls entwined by shared pain—Arya and Niko. They met at an old bookstore, a sanctuary from the storms outside. Arya, with her wild curls and ink-stained fingers, was drawn to the poetry section, equally by the words and the solace they offered. Niko, a photographer with a heart full of untold stories, captured the fleeting moments of life, yet felt trapped under the weight of his own unprocessed grief.
    Their first conversation blossomed like a poppy between the cracks of asphalt. Arya shared a poem she had written about loss; Niko responded with a photograph of a wilting flower. “Life hurts,” he said softly, “but beauty is often found in the brokenness.” She nodded, a tear escaping her eye, acknowledging the raw honesty in his words.
    As days turned into months, they became each other’s refuge. They wandered the woods, where the air was thick with nostalgia, and often sat under a sprawling oak, sharing secrets and sorrows. They painted their dreams onto canvases, each stroke a cathartic release of hurt. Together, they dared to weave their pain into art, transforming their heartbreak into a tapestry of vulnerability.
    Yet, the shadows of their past lurked like specters. Arya’s heart still ached from a lost love, while Niko carried the weight of his mother’s abandonment. One stormy evening, as thunder growled above them, Arya felt the dam of her emotions break. “I don’t want to hurt anymore, Niko. This pain… it’s exhausting.”
    Niko took her hands, his voice steady. “You don’t have to bear it alone. Let’s create something that speaks our truth.” Inspired, they worked through the night, capturing their shared struggles in a mural that spread across the town’s old wall—a breathtaking depiction of intertwined branches marked by thorns and blossoms.
    When they unveiled it, the townsfolk gathered in awe, recognizing their own journeys within the mural. From that day, Arya and Niko became not just artists, but beacons for others who felt the same pain. Their love flourished, stitched together by the threads of honesty and understanding, transforming life’s hurt into a shared journey of healing.
    In their quiet moments, they still spoke of the sorrow that life sometimes brings. And while they knew life would always carry its thorns, they also discovered the beauty of walking through it side by side, hand in hand—a testament that while life hurts, love has the magic to mend the deepest wounds.
    In a small town where the sun dipped behind the hills as if reluctant to leave, lived two souls entwined by shared pain—Arya and Niko. They met at an old bookstore, a sanctuary from the storms outside. Arya, with her wild curls and ink-stained fingers, was drawn to the poetry section, equally by the words and the solace they offered. Niko, a photographer with a heart full of untold stories, captured the fleeting moments of life, yet felt trapped under the weight of his own unprocessed grief. Their first conversation blossomed like a poppy between the cracks of asphalt. Arya shared a poem she had written about loss; Niko responded with a photograph of a wilting flower. “Life hurts,” he said softly, “but beauty is often found in the brokenness.” She nodded, a tear escaping her eye, acknowledging the raw honesty in his words. As days turned into months, they became each other’s refuge. They wandered the woods, where the air was thick with nostalgia, and often sat under a sprawling oak, sharing secrets and sorrows. They painted their dreams onto canvases, each stroke a cathartic release of hurt. Together, they dared to weave their pain into art, transforming their heartbreak into a tapestry of vulnerability. Yet, the shadows of their past lurked like specters. Arya’s heart still ached from a lost love, while Niko carried the weight of his mother’s abandonment. One stormy evening, as thunder growled above them, Arya felt the dam of her emotions break. “I don’t want to hurt anymore, Niko. This pain… it’s exhausting.” Niko took her hands, his voice steady. “You don’t have to bear it alone. Let’s create something that speaks our truth.” Inspired, they worked through the night, capturing their shared struggles in a mural that spread across the town’s old wall—a breathtaking depiction of intertwined branches marked by thorns and blossoms. When they unveiled it, the townsfolk gathered in awe, recognizing their own journeys within the mural. From that day, Arya and Niko became not just artists, but beacons for others who felt the same pain. Their love flourished, stitched together by the threads of honesty and understanding, transforming life’s hurt into a shared journey of healing. In their quiet moments, they still spoke of the sorrow that life sometimes brings. And while they knew life would always carry its thorns, they also discovered the beauty of walking through it side by side, hand in hand—a testament that while life hurts, love has the magic to mend the deepest wounds.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 40 Views 3 Προεπισκόπηση
  • Threads of Heartstrings

    In the vibrant town of Maplewood, where the seasons danced in vivid colors, lived two childhood friends, Lila and Max. Their bond was forged in the innocence of their early years, a connection built on laughter and shared secrets. As they grew up, the world around them seemed to blossom, yet amidst their blooming friendship, something deeper tugged at their hearts.

    Lila was an artist, her spirit as colorful as her creations. She found solace in painting the sunsets by the lake, capturing the essence of life and love in each stroke. Max, on the other hand, was a practical dreamer. With an affinity for engineering, he spent his days tinkering with machines, seeking to build a better tomorrow. They balanced each other perfectly - Lila’s free spirit tempered by Max’s grounded nature.

    The summer before their last year in high school, Lila invited Max to join her at the lake. That day, as they watched the sun dip beneath the horizon, a shift hung in the air, heavy with unspoken words. Lila had been wrestling with her feelings for Max, tempted by the thought of crossing the boundary from friendship to something more. Max, too, was grappling with a truth he had buried deep inside. They exchanged glances, and for a fleeting moment, their hearts beat in unison, caught in the uncertainty of what might come next.

    As the leaves turned golden and life began to unfold around them, Lila and Max found themselves at a crossroads. One crisp afternoon, Lila decided to confront her feelings. “Max,” she began, her voice trembling with vulnerability, “what if we’re more than just friends?”
    Max’s heart raced. He had spent countless nights dreaming of this moment, yet a rush of fear held him back. “I… I don’t know, Lila. What if it changes everything?” His mind raced with the possibility of losing the most important person in his life.
    But honesty, as it often does, found a way in. “Maybe it already has changed. I can’t ignore how I feel about you,” Lila confessed.
    With a mix of hope and trepidation, they slowly traversed the path from friends to lovers. Trust became their anchor, and they learned the delicate art of balancing love and friendship. Lila would often paint portraits of them together, capturing not only their likeness but also the deep affection they shared. Each brushstroke narrated their journey – a tapestry of moments filled with laughter, support, and quiet understanding.

    However, life isn’t always a smooth canvas. As college approached, Lila received an art scholarship in a city miles away, while Max was offered a place in an engineering program at a prestigious university closer to home. They faced the reality of distance, and with it, the shadows of doubt crept in. Would love be enough to withstand the test of separation?
    The nights grew longer as they grappled with their fears. One evening, under the stars and wrapped in each other's arms, Lila said, “Max, no matter where we go, I want to trust that what we have is stronger than distance.”
    “And I want to trust that you’ll always be my best friend,” Max replied, determination shining in his eyes. They made a promise to communicate openly, to allow their love to evolve without forcing it into a box.
    The years unfolded as they had planned – the distance was tough, but it served to strengthen their bond. They learned to celebrate life’s moments, however small they were, and to lean on one another during challenging times. Max would call Lila to share his triumphs; Lila would send sketches of her latest inspirations, each one infused with love and encouragement.
    Eventually, graduation arrived, and with it, a decision: they would take the leap and pursue a life together. One evening, as they walked by the home they had grown up in, Lila turned to Max, her eyes filled with determination. “Let’s build a life that intertwines our dreams, just like those threads in your machines,” she suggested with a smile.

    Max grinned, took her hand, and as the sun set behind them, he thought of their journey – a beautiful tapestry of love, friendship, trust, and life. Together, they set forth into the future, ready to face whatever came next, knowing that their hearts would always be intertwined.

    In Maplewood, where the seasons changed but the essence of their bond remained constant, Lila and Max learned that love, when rooted in friendship and trust, could conquer all. And so, hand in hand, they painted a new beginning, one brushstroke at a time.
    Threads of Heartstrings In the vibrant town of Maplewood, where the seasons danced in vivid colors, lived two childhood friends, Lila and Max. Their bond was forged in the innocence of their early years, a connection built on laughter and shared secrets. As they grew up, the world around them seemed to blossom, yet amidst their blooming friendship, something deeper tugged at their hearts. Lila was an artist, her spirit as colorful as her creations. She found solace in painting the sunsets by the lake, capturing the essence of life and love in each stroke. Max, on the other hand, was a practical dreamer. With an affinity for engineering, he spent his days tinkering with machines, seeking to build a better tomorrow. They balanced each other perfectly - Lila’s free spirit tempered by Max’s grounded nature. The summer before their last year in high school, Lila invited Max to join her at the lake. That day, as they watched the sun dip beneath the horizon, a shift hung in the air, heavy with unspoken words. Lila had been wrestling with her feelings for Max, tempted by the thought of crossing the boundary from friendship to something more. Max, too, was grappling with a truth he had buried deep inside. They exchanged glances, and for a fleeting moment, their hearts beat in unison, caught in the uncertainty of what might come next. As the leaves turned golden and life began to unfold around them, Lila and Max found themselves at a crossroads. One crisp afternoon, Lila decided to confront her feelings. “Max,” she began, her voice trembling with vulnerability, “what if we’re more than just friends?” Max’s heart raced. He had spent countless nights dreaming of this moment, yet a rush of fear held him back. “I… I don’t know, Lila. What if it changes everything?” His mind raced with the possibility of losing the most important person in his life. But honesty, as it often does, found a way in. “Maybe it already has changed. I can’t ignore how I feel about you,” Lila confessed. With a mix of hope and trepidation, they slowly traversed the path from friends to lovers. Trust became their anchor, and they learned the delicate art of balancing love and friendship. Lila would often paint portraits of them together, capturing not only their likeness but also the deep affection they shared. Each brushstroke narrated their journey – a tapestry of moments filled with laughter, support, and quiet understanding. However, life isn’t always a smooth canvas. As college approached, Lila received an art scholarship in a city miles away, while Max was offered a place in an engineering program at a prestigious university closer to home. They faced the reality of distance, and with it, the shadows of doubt crept in. Would love be enough to withstand the test of separation? The nights grew longer as they grappled with their fears. One evening, under the stars and wrapped in each other's arms, Lila said, “Max, no matter where we go, I want to trust that what we have is stronger than distance.” “And I want to trust that you’ll always be my best friend,” Max replied, determination shining in his eyes. They made a promise to communicate openly, to allow their love to evolve without forcing it into a box. The years unfolded as they had planned – the distance was tough, but it served to strengthen their bond. They learned to celebrate life’s moments, however small they were, and to lean on one another during challenging times. Max would call Lila to share his triumphs; Lila would send sketches of her latest inspirations, each one infused with love and encouragement. Eventually, graduation arrived, and with it, a decision: they would take the leap and pursue a life together. One evening, as they walked by the home they had grown up in, Lila turned to Max, her eyes filled with determination. “Let’s build a life that intertwines our dreams, just like those threads in your machines,” she suggested with a smile. Max grinned, took her hand, and as the sun set behind them, he thought of their journey – a beautiful tapestry of love, friendship, trust, and life. Together, they set forth into the future, ready to face whatever came next, knowing that their hearts would always be intertwined. In Maplewood, where the seasons changed but the essence of their bond remained constant, Lila and Max learned that love, when rooted in friendship and trust, could conquer all. And so, hand in hand, they painted a new beginning, one brushstroke at a time.
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  • BTET Exam 2025 – Essential Information for Aspiring Teachers | HT

    If you're aiming to become a teacher in Bihar, you need to know about the BTET Exam 2025. This guide provides essential information including eligibility criteria, syllabus details, exam pattern, and effective preparation tips to help you succeed.

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    BTET Exam 2025 – Essential Information for Aspiring Teachers | HT If you're aiming to become a teacher in Bihar, you need to know about the BTET Exam 2025. This guide provides essential information including eligibility criteria, syllabus details, exam pattern, and effective preparation tips to help you succeed. Get more details: https://www.home-tution.com/government-exam-teaching-btet-exam #btet2025 #teachereligibilitytest #biharteacherexam
    BTET Exam 2025: Exam Date, Eligibility, Admission Process, Exam Pattern, Salary and More
    Get all the details about BTET Exam 2025, including exam dates, eligibility, admission process, exam pattern, salary, and more. Stay informed and prepared for success!
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